Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Chalk Box Kid

These are some comprehension questions that I had to answer (mom typed my answers for me!)
What was your favorite part about the Chalk Box Kid?

The chalk box kid drew very well.

Write about your parents' jobs and why they may be important.

Daddy's job is important because he earns money to be able to buy us food.
Mommy's job is important because she takes care of us and teaches us.

If you could have a garden of your own, what would you plant?
I would plant an apple tree, an orange tree, strawberry plant, tomatoes, sunflowers, grave vines, daisies, roses, daffodils, and periwinkles.

Write about a time when you asked a friend to help you with something.

I asked Jayda to help me pick out my clothes. I liked when Jayda helped me pick out my clothes because my clothes matched. I have asked Autumn to try to take care of her and not be so fussy. I liked asking Autumn for help because she is fun to ask. She is my baby sister.